28 January, 2010

The Beginning

Hey there, friends and family!

Some of you may remember the last time I went to Japan (Summer 2007) and the blog I kept while I was there. I've decided to start a new blog, as I'll be returning to Japan in March 2010 and you may be interested in my progress, life in a foreign country, etc.

Here is a brief rundown of what we know so far:
I've been offered a position teaching English in Japanese public schools with a company called Interac, which is basically a private recruiting firm that works similarly to the JET program. My contract with Interac is good for a year with a renewal option if the school(s) like me, and should I so desire. My plan is to stay for at least two years, as I am of the opinion that after one year alone I will have only started to get used to life in a foreign country.

The process of finding a job and moving abroad has been a long one; I applied online with Interac back in June or July of 2009, and several months later I received an email asking me for a phone interview. After the phone interview in September, I was invited to an information seminar and personal interview in Nashville in October. Preparation for the seminar was vital as I was required to give a videotaped teaching demonstration, as well as submitting a background check and extensive references. I received an offer of employment on November 16, and from there the process has been alternating between a whirlwind of filling out additional paperwork and the extensive wait associated with government processing.

I will be traveling to Japan under a one year working visa, so the next step is to wait for my Certificate of Eligibility to arrive from the Japanese government (via Interac). This shows that I am eligible and legally clear to work in Japan, and I will be exchanging the Certificate for the aforementioned visa through the closest Japanese Consulate (in my case, Nashville).

I'm also waiting for news from Interac regarding my placement. I don't know where I'll be located yet; I've tried to be as open as possible with location preferences because in the initial stages I was a much more attractive candidate if I wasn't concerned with where I'd be placed. That being said, I've asked if at all possible I might be placed somewhere between Kyoto and Tokyo, or north of Tokyo. I will likely be out in the country somewhere, and I might be asked to drive while I'm over there, which might be exciting--they drive on the left-hand side of the road!

I also don't know when I'm leaving, but it's safe to assume that I will be in Japan by the 28th of March. Once I get there, I'll be staying in a hotel, probably in Tokyo, for four or five days for a training session. From there, I'll go to my assignment location for what will probably be more training, and then I'll be teaching, I guess.

Last night I received a phone call from the Tokyo office for language proficiency purposes. I had a short conversation in Japanese with a native speaker in order to ensure I actually have some knowledge of the language. Unfortunately, none of the conversation pertained to my placement or any other new information. So now I'm back to waiting patiently until they tell me more.

At any rate, I'll be keeping you posted, so thanks for sticking with me!